Team building Polegon je do sedaj obiskalo več tisoč udeležencev in je prva delavnica, s katero skozi igro simuliramo realno okolje v ekipi in skozi refleksijo izboljšujemo učinkovitost in uspešnost ekip. Kot je rekel že Plato: “O človeku izveš več v eni uri igranja, kot v enem letu pogovorov.

Moje delo
NLB Vita
Studio Moderna
Line Directa
MIT Informatika
Inštitut Car
Impol 2000
Linea Directa

Team building Polegon odpira in rešuje najpogostejše izzive, ki jih imajo ekipe v podjetjih:

  1. Pomanjkanje zaupanja med člani ekip.
  2. Strah članov ekip pred konflikti, ki jih lahko sprožijo njihova dejanja, mnenja, ideje.
  3. Pomanjkanje predanosti ekipi in podjetju.
  4. Izogibanje odgovornosti.
  5. Premajhna osredotočenost na rezultate ekipe in podjetja.
  6. Pomanjkanje originalnih idej v ekipi.

Skozi različne simulacijske igre in refleksijo, ki jo izvedemo po vsaki simulacijski igri, pri ekipah dosežemo:

  1. Izboljšanje kreativnosti, out of the box razmišljanja.
  2. Povečanje zaupanja v ekipi, boljše sodelovanje in s tem uspešnejše reševanje izzivov.
  3. Izboljšanje komunikacije v ekipi in med ekipami, izboljšanje sodelovanja med oddelki.
  4. Razumevanje vlog in odgovornosti v ekipi ter sprejemanje odločitev.
  5. Razumevanje skupnih ciljev ekipe in podjetja in razumevanje vrednot podjetja.

Udeleženci boste na team buildingu Polegon dobili naslednje:

  1. Naučili se boste, kaj pomeni biti ekipa.
  2. Razumeli boste namen in vrste ekip.
  3. Spoznali boste lastnosti uspešnih ekip.
  4. Naučili se boste, kaj so značilnosti in navade visoko učinkovitih ekip.
  5. Skozi simulacijo boste izkusili vse štiri stopnje razvoja ekipe.
  6. Spoznali boste značilne disfunkcionalnosti ekipe.
  7. Spoznali boste različne vloge v ekipi.
  8. Naučili se boste osnovnih pravil in vrednot ekip.


Team building Polegon traja od 90 to 120 minut. Delavnico lahko izvedemo v vašem podjetju ali na katerikoli drugi lokaciji, lahko tudi kot sestavni del drugega dogodka, npr. interne poslovne konference.

Za več informacij sem vam na voljo na

Polegon® is the first educational workshop in which we simulate an authentic team environment and improve the efficiency and performance of each team by playing with LEGO® building bricks.The workshops are a fusion of serious work and entertainment – they address the elements which affect the team’s performance, such as common goals, relationships within a team (trust, communication, etc.), roles of individuals, working processes, and leadership.

Moje delo
NLB Vita
Studio Moderna
Line Directa
MIT Informatika
Inštitut Car
Impol 2000
Linea Directa

The Polegon® workshops open and solve the most common challenges your teams face in the company:

  1. Lack of trust between team members.
  2. Fear of conflicts, which can be triggered by employee’s actions, opinions, ideas.
  3. Lack of commitment to the team and company.
  4. Avoiding responsibility.
  5. Insufficient focus on achieving results within the team and company.
  6. Lack of original ideas within the team.

Through various Polegon® simulation games and subsequent reflection after each game the teams will achieve:

  1. Improvement in creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.
  2. Greater trust and cooperation between team members, which consequently brings more successful problem solving.
  3. Improvement in communication inside the team and between teams, thus improving inter-departmental cooperation.
  4. Understanding the roles and responsibilities within a team, and accepting decisions.
  5. Understanding the common goals of your team and company, as well as the company’s set of values.

The participants of Polegon® workshops learn various skills; they will:

  1. Learn the value of a team.
  2. Understand the purpose of a team and get to know different types of teams.
  3. Learn the characteristics of a successful team.
  4. Learn the characteristics and routines of a highly efficient team.
  5. Experience all four levels of team development through simulation.
  6. Be introduced to common dysfunctionalities of a team.
  7. Get to know different roles within a team.
  8. Learn the basic team rules and values.

Whom Polegon® is intended for

We recommend the Polegon® workshops to all teams who wish to build trust between their individual members, to develop their communication and planning skills, as well as achieve their goals. They are also advisable to teams who wish to improve creativity when searching for new products and services, or wish to improve the existing ones.

Duration of a  Polegon® workshop

A Polegon® workshop can take 1.5 to 2 hours.

Polegon® just for fun?

Of course, we also offer Polegon® just for fun. We can join you at your team building event, and bring out your playful side, creativity and joy.

USERS TESTIMONIALS by Participant of Polegon® simulation workshop

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